UX Writing
Case Studies
Case Study
This fictional app I designed in collaboration with a UX Designer. Not everyone has the means to get to a library, so we wanted to create an app to help readers increase their book sharing and knowledge access.
The Work
We constructed a lo-fi prototype for the Fibrarian app to include on-boarding, adding books, and the Bookvine feature that enables readers to loan or trade books in their local area.

Add Book

Fibrarian Found

Accepted Request

Case Study
This fictional app I designed to connect traveling music fans with events wherever they go and however far they want to travel.
The Work
I wanted to keep the tone of the text light and engaging. I went with a sans serif typography and removed capitalization to give the app a more casual feel.

Forgot Password

Public Sourcing Site - Workday
I provided content design for the public sourcing feature in Workday Strategic Sourcing. The feature improved supplier engagement and created transparency for sourcing and procurement activities.
The Work
I advocated that status definitions appear on the landing page instead of behind a tool tip or pop-over so that users easily find the information. The Return to Home button text is default, but admin users can update the button as needed. I wrote a simple empty state message to maintain consistency with Workday's Content Style Guide.
Landing Page

Much of the text on the Event Description page is generated by the customer. Field labels and CTAs matched what suppliers find on private sourcing events to create a seamless experience across Strategic Sourcing. A countdown was included as well as bidding instructional text to help clarify steps a supplier would need to take to successfully start a bid.
Event Description

Similar to the Event Description page, much of the text here is generated by the customer. The gray banner at the top was added to keep consistency with other pages, but also to improve the suppliers experience when interacting with the site by providing event status clarity.
Intent to Award